ewww toast is yucky
u can feed them any type of meat
u can feed them most dairy products as long as it isnt pasturized etc
u can feed them any veggies u can get them to eat
u can feed them fishies
as for any other ppl food mostly nothing and if u insist upon feeding them it feed them it only on very very special occasions
like their b days and xmas :p
you might wanna invent kitty condoms lol
and u shouldnt feed him ppl food
feeding cats certain ppl food is okay
but not most of it
No people food? Like little pieces of my chicken sandwich? And the breading from my corn dogs, and the base for my soups, crust from my bread, butter from the knife, salt from my hand, or bacon?
He's gonna starve now! He doesn't know how to eat real kitty food anymore! :P Ok so maybe he does..he's a pro at finding anything to eat. Once I found him eating a 2 month old piece of toast.