I need a place to put important links. My Links should be up to date, if they're not, you should let me know and I'll get around to it :) I honestly still check them pretty much daily.
Friend's List!
[=-The List=-] L7C r0x el Casbah.
[=-MiniCities=-] Clickie, it's harmless. It's a list of everyone's minicities :)
Things I want to see on my userpage!
-[Adjective] [Noun] is [Adjective] posts. E.g. "Old thread is old."
-Links to myminicity. Or any kind of site that relies on people clicking your link in order for you to boost your stats on that particular site. I love them!
Clone posting: Basically copying someone else's post exactly, in hopes of starting a large chain of these replies.
Rape her (or any variant thereof)
Do a barrel roll
lol (and nothing else)!!!
Links to Rick Roll (either directly or related)!!!
You should have grabbed _____ cock!
Nested quotes!
"I/we don't care" (or any variant thereof, including obvious sarcasm; e.g. "I care")
FAIL statements.
"Pics or it didn't happen."
I think a list here would work!